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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Looking for a child?

I read this piece and it brought tears to my eyes. Please read a mother's testimony:

After eight years of trying to get pregnant, years of praying, crying, anxiety and frustration, I decided to post a prayer request on a popular Nigerian church website. I think the subject was ‘when will I carry my children Lord.’ There were many responses to my prayer request but only one stood out for me. It was from a woman who asked if I had considered adoption as there were many children out there in need of parents.
Several emotions flitted through my mind after I read the comment; shock, disbelief and then anger…
Anger that she dared to suggest it, without even knowing me. Does she know my story? Does she know my pains and tears? What gave her the right to even dare!
I came to one conclusion – she must have children of her own and now feels she has the audacity to suggest adoption to me, how very selfish of her! Click to continue