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Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's time to talk in your relationship

Communication is key in every relationship. If there is no communication then the relationship is half way dead. When i mean communication, am not talking about normal day to day conversations. I am talking about pouring out your heart and having someone to listen even if you have to disagree to agree (not a fight session...lol).

So last week, my husband and i had one of these chats (we hadn't done that in a long time).
We talked about how we were when we met and all the things we both really loved doing. We both realised that over the years we have ommitted a few things and substituted them with other things. So for example, he told me how much he hates when am chatting on BBM for hours and completely ignoring him.....lol (But i didn't realise that)....I pointed out how he would watch CNN for hours and move on to playing Mario on Wii.....lol. So we both realised we have been attending to so many other things at the expense of our relationship. Since that conversation, i have being getting all my attention back......lol. We would be doing those chat more often now.

Here is the point, no one has the power to know what is on your mind except you communicate. Even if you think your relationship is the best in the world....you still have to communicate. When you communicate you reduce the burden of bearing the thoughts alone and your partner is fully aware of how you feel. This type of conversation might not go so smoothly but be sure to have it at the back of your mind while you are chatting that this chat is to get things better and not to make it worse.

So tonite people, have a special moment with your partner.... You could take a walk, go to a quiet place. Be sure to do it in a private place where no one can hear you. Don't hold anything back....just let it out and you will be surprised at the perfect results you will get and end it all with the biggest kiss/hug...whichever works for you. **smiles**.

Enjoy your relationships people.


  1. Love this piece. Thanks

  2. I have a question. what do you do when your partner is not willing to listen?

    1. Hi Kim,
      Yes, there will be situations where the other party is not willing to listen but slow and steady wins the race. So start by being the listener...Let your partner say all the things they've been bottling up. Your response should not be aimed at countering the argument...but respond to show you understand their point of view and you are willing to make ammends....this actually boosts your partners ego....with that you can then communicate your own thoughts (It might not be on the same day.....do it when the time is right). I hope i was able to help with that
